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Corona Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Corona Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Corona, CA Paralysis Injury Attorney

Unfortunately, some injuries can have catastrophic results. If your recent injury caused spinal cord damage, contact a Corona paralysis injury lawyer as soon as possible. Living with paralysis causes significant life changes that demand compensation from the offending parties. Depending on your injury, you could collect significant damages that cover ongoing medical care, physical therapy, pain and suffering, income losses, life quality losses, and mental anguish.

An experienced attorney understands the life-altering shifts paralysis brings and provides the guidance that helps you navigate your claim as you become used to doing almost everything differently. Expect professional assistance that makes the days following your accident a little easier because you will not be weighed down by legal documents and related jargon.

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Common Causes for Paralysis Injuries

Spinal cord injuries resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia have numerous causes. Many require a legal professional’s aid to seek compensation:

  • Car, bus, truck, motorcycle, and boat accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Train or plane crashes
  • Medical malpractice, including birth injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Nursing home negligence
  • Dog attacks

The higher the injury on the spine, the more the body becomes paralyzed. In addition to paraplegia, or paralysis of both legs, and quadriplegia, or paralysis of the torso and all limbs, people can experience monoplegia and hemiplegia. Monoplegia and hemiplegia refer to the paralysis of one limb or one arm and one leg on the same side of an individual’s body.

Filing Deadlines in Corona

Since local paralysis claims are types of personal injury claims, the plaintiff and their attorney must file the necessary paperwork within two years of the accident according to the California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 335.1. If the claim is against the city of Corona or another California city or county, the plaintiff has six months to file according to Section 911.2. The six-month deadline also applies to cases against the state.

Determining Fault in Paralysis Cases

While paralysis cases are often straightforward, it is important to note how the state determines fault in such claims. Each state abides by different negligence laws, such as some states that follow contributory negligence. In such cases, the plaintiff does not receive compensation if they are found at all at fault for the accident, even if their “contribution” to the incident was minimal. California uses pure comparative negligence laws to designate fault in personal injury cases, meaning that the amount of fault assigned to the plaintiff determines the amount of compensation they receive. For example, if a plaintiff is found 10 percent at fault for their paralysis injuries and the attorney requests $10,000 in damages, the plaintiff receives $9,000.

An exception to the pure comparative negligence law concerns dog bites. If a dog attacked the plaintiff, the animal’s owner becomes “strictly liable” under California law. Whether the attack caused paralysis or any other injuries, the owner will likely pay damages to the plaintiff. Other states use a “one dog bite” rule to establish liability, a rule that protects owners if it was the first time the canine attacked a person.

Speak with a Corona Legal Professional About Your Claim

Dealing with the life changes synonymous with paralysis takes enough time out of your day. Make the claims process easier on yourself and your loved ones by contacting a Corona paralysis injury lawyer about your accident and what can be done in regard to compensation.

Call our law firm today to talk with one of our experienced and understanding attorneys.

Catastrophic Injuries


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