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Norco Car Accident Lawyer

Norco Car Accident Lawyer

Norco Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents happen every day in the Norco area in many unpredictable ways. The victim of a car accident is likely to suffer multiple injuries, face expensive economic losses, and have many important legal questions regarding their recovery efforts. Ultimately, every car accident case is unique, and every victim will face different legal challenges as they seek compensation for their losses, but there are a few key facts that everyone should know about the aftermath of a car crash in Norco.

Norco Car Accident Lawyer

Experienced Legal Counsel for Norco, CA, Car Accident Victims

The team at Karlin & Karlin has successfully represented many car accident victims in the Norco area, and we know the various legal obstacles that may arise between you and the recovery you deserve. Our firm has years of experience resolving the toughest personal injury cases in the Norco area, and we are confident in our ability to provide compassionate and responsive legal counsel no matter what your car accident case entails.

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Proving Liability for Your Accident in Norco

California enforces the fault rule for vehicle accidents, so the first legal challenge you will face after any car accident in the Norco area will be establishing liability for the incident. You must identify the at-fault driver and prove they caused the accident. A few of the most commonly cited causes of car accidents in Norco include acts of negligence such as distracted driving, speeding, and traffic violations like failure to yield or running red lights and stop signs. It is also possible for another driver’s illegal misconduct to have caused your accident. The most common example of this is driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs and alcohol.

When another driver’s negligence has caused an accident, they become liable for the damages they inflicted. If they caused the accident through an illegal act, however, they not only face criminal charges for breaking the law but also increased penalties because they harmed another person. For example, causing an injury in an accident can potentially mean the difference between a misdemeanor or a felony DUI charge for a defendant.

Your Norco car accident can help you gather the evidence you may need to prove liability for your accident. You must identify the at-fault driver and prove that they are directly responsible for causing the damages. Most car accident attorneys accomplish this with evidence such as traffic camera data, eyewitness statements, and digital evidence like driver cell phone records.

Recovering From Your Norco Car Accident

Once you identify the driver at fault for causing your accident, you can proceed with claiming compensation for the damages they inflicted. California law requires every driver to have car insurance that meets basic coverage requirements for bodily injury to a single person, multiple personal injuries to more than one victim, and property damage. However, insurance is unlikely to fully pay for all the damages from a serious accident, and confronting an insurance company can be daunting without legal counsel assisting you.

After you recover as much compensation as you can from the other driver’s insurance, or if they do not have insurance at all, your next option for recovering your losses is a personal injury claim. Under the law, the defendant in a personal injury case faces full responsibility for all damages they inflicted on the plaintiff with their negligence or intentional misconduct. Your case award from a successful personal injury claim is likely to include compensation for:

  • Medical bills. If you suffer physical harm because of another party’s actions in Norco, they are responsible for the cost of all the medical treatment you require. This includes both immediate healthcare expenses directly following your accident as well as any costs associated with necessary ongoing care, such as physical therapy and other rehabilitation you may need for serious injuries.
  • Property damage. The defendant’s car insurance may pay for some of your vehicle repair costs, but any property losses their insurance cannot repay can be cited as economic damages in your personal injury suit. You may be entitled to claim the full value of your vehicle if it was damaged beyond repair, as well as the value of any personal belongings lost in the crash.
  • Lost income. If you are unable to work while you recover from your injuries, the defendant is liable for the income you cannot earn during this time. Similarly, you could hold them accountable for income you can no longer earn in the future if they left you disabled because it diminishes your earning power. An experienced attorney can help accurately calculate how much you would have reasonably expected to earn in the future if you hadn’t been injured.
  • Pain and suffering. California personal injury law allows a plaintiff to seek monetary compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress they experienced because of a defendant’s negligence or intentional misconduct. There is no limit to the amount you can claim in a vehicle accident case, so this could amount to more than the total of all your claimed economic losses.

There is no single solution that works for every car accident case, and every victim will face unique circumstances as they work toward recovering from their losses. One consistent factor across all car accident claims filed in the Norco area is the value of legal counsel you can trust. The right attorney can provide compassionate and responsive support through the auto insurance claim filing process and a subsequent personal injury case.

The attorneys at Karlin & Karlin are ready to assist you with your recovery efforts after a car accident in Norco. You have a limited time to file an auto insurance claim, and it is always preferable to confront an insurance carrier supported by an attorney you can trust. The sooner you reach out to our team, the sooner we can start guiding you toward the recovery you deserve.

FAQs About Norco, CA Car Accident Law

Why Do I Need to Hire a Norco Car Accident Attorney?

Technically, it is possible for the victim of a car accident to pursue compensation on their own, and the law does not require them to hire legal representation. However, you are not only more likely to win a car accident case with an attorney’s help but also more likely to maximize the compensation you receive through both an auto insurance claim and a subsequent personal injury claim.

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim in Norco?

Your recovery from a car accident will likely start with a claim against the at-fault driver’s auto insurance, and you typically only have a few days after the accident in which to file your claim. However, insurance may not fully cover your damages, in which case you will need to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault driver. There is a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims, which will begin on the date your accident happened.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Car Accident?

The total value of your car accident case depends on the severity of the damages you suffered. The defendant who caused the accident is liable for your medical expenses, lost income, lost future earning potential, property damage, and your pain and suffering. An experienced Norco car accident attorney can help accurately calculate the total damages you can seek from the defendant and assist you in maximizing your final case award.

What Happens if a Car Accident Is Fatal?

If your family member died in a car accident in Norco, the driver who caused the accident is liable for their death and all associated damages. This can form the basis of a wrongful death suit in lieu of a personal injury claim because the victim did not survive. California enforces specific rules for wrongful death claims pertaining to who is eligible to file them and the damages available.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Norco Car Accident Attorney?

Most car accident attorneys do not charge their clients hourly fees. The average person does not have the financial flexibility to handle expensive attorneys’ fees on top of their damages from a car accident, so most attorneys in the Norco area offer contingency fee billing. With a contingency agreement, the client only pays the attorney a percentage of their final case award, and only if the attorney wins their case. There is no fee if the attorney cannot obtain a recovery on the client’s behalf; therefore, there is no financial risk to the client.

Contact Us

The attorneys at Karlin & Karlin have successfully represented many past clients in a wide range of cases in the Norco area. We know how traumatic and damaging any car accident can be and the various expensive losses it can impose on a victim. Our goal is to help our client recover as fully as possible in the shortest amount of time. If you are ready to learn how a Norco car accident attorney can assist you with your recovery efforts after an accident, contact Karlin & Karlin today to schedule a free consultation with our team and get the answers you need to your most important legal questions.

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