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Pedley Car Accident Lawyer

Pedley Car Accident Lawyer

Pedley Car Accident Attorney

When you’re dealing with the fallout of a car accident, it can be easy to be overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. Fortunately, you never have to deal with the aftermath alone. By retaining a Pedley car accident lawyer, you give yourself the chance to receive compassionate advice and powerful legal representation at the same time.

At Karlin & Karlin Injury Attorneys, we know that dealing with the legal implications of a car accident is challenging. Our team has spent countless years defending victims of California car accidents and is ready to do the same for you. By combining our legal insight, knowledge of insurance law, and experience in the courtroom, you can trust that you’ll have a steadfast advocate throughout your entire case.

Best Pedley Car Accident Lawyer

What Is Considered Negligent Behavior in a Car Accident?

While not every car accident is caused by negligence, the majority of them are. Unfortunately, distractions often overtake drivers, whether they’re trying to text, talk to a passenger, or are grabbing something from the back seat. Additionally, California is well known for having aggressive drivers and occasional street races. Regardless of what kind of negligence led to your accident, it’s vital that you hold responsible parties accountable.

Negligent behavior can take many forms. In a car collision, negligent behavior may look like:

  • Distracted Driving: Distracted driving is one of the most prevalent causes of car accidents in Pedley. Whenever a driver’s attention is taken away from the road, it presents an immediate danger to everyone else who is sharing it with them. From eating and drinking to talking and texting, you never know when a driver may take their eyes off the road and cause an accident.
  • DUIs: Driving under the influence (DUI) is illegal and extremely dangerous. If a driver is found guilty of a DUI in California, they can face serious criminal charges. If a DUI leads to serious injury or death in an accident, the penalties are considerably more severe.
  • Fatigued Driving: Driving while tired can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence. Some drivers, such as long-haul truckers or workers with significant commutes, drive far too long without any rest. This causes them to lose their focus and even fall asleep behind the wheel, which is extremely dangerous and causes truck accidents.
  • Speeding: It is the duty of all drivers to obey the rules of the road. Yet, many drivers use their own discretion to decide how closely they follow these rules. For example, many individuals who see a speed limit of 45 mph may reach upwards of 55 mph if they don’t think there’s an issue. However, speeding is another top cause of accidents and can result in devastating injuries.
  • Reckless Driving: Some drivers simply refuse to obey traffic laws. Whether they’re swerving through lanes without a blinker or racing other cars, reckless driving is dangerous to everyone on the road. If an individual causes an accident while driving recklessly, they will face severe criminal consequences.

Proving negligence in a vehicle accident claim requires evidence that somebody willfully or unintentionally did something that led to the accident. Having an experienced car accident attorney in your corner helps protect you from any counterclaims made by the other side and ensures your voice is heard. At Karlin & Karlin Injury Attorneys, our results speak for themselves.

Understanding Wrongful Death

A wrongful death occurs when someone causes an accident from their negligence, and it results in someone’s death. Under California law, a victim’s family has the right to file a wrongful death claim when they are dependent on the individual who passed away. They can request both economic and non-economic damages, meaning they can request compensation for their suffering, funeral costs, and lost wages.


Q: How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Charge in California?

A: A vast majority of car accident attorneys, including Karlin & Karlin Injury Attorneys, work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that they do not get paid unless they win your case. In California, the percentage owed to your attorney upon winning the case is typically between 30% and 40% of the total amount you receive as compensation. At Karlin & Karlin Injury Attorneys, there are no upfront fees that you owe before we get started.

Q: How Much Is a Whiplash Claim Worth in California?

A: Whiplash is caused by a sudden and severe jerk of the head, typically in a car accident. It is a common injury suffered by car accident victims. Most whiplash claims in California settle for somewhere between $5,000 and $25,000. The more severe the injury, the bigger the settlement. Some particularly bad whiplash injury claims have been settled for around $100,000. However, like any other case, the result will be subjective and decided on a case-by-case basis.

Q: How Long Do You Have to File a Claim for an Auto Accident in California?

A: The statute of limitations on car accident claims in California is two years from the date of the initial accident. There are occasional exceptions, but most cases fall under that two-year time limit. This is to ensure prompt resolutions of open cases, the evidence does not degrade over time, and witnesses do not forget important details of the case.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Settle a Personal Injury Case in California?

A: The average settlement in a personal injury case in California is reached between three and twelve months. However, there are many factors that could cause a delay in judgment, such as insurance companies, the severity of the case or injuries at hand, or any changes in legal representation on either side. For insurance companies, California state law enforces that the company has 85 days from the initial filing date to settle any personal injury claims.

Contact an Experienced Pedley Car Accident Attorney Today

At Karlin & Karlin Injury Attorneys, we are dedicated to helping Pedley residents navigate car accident claims. We have resolved countless cases and have helped a myriad of California residents get the damages they need to heal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our car accident legal services. Together, we can get you the compensation that you deserve.

Car Accidents


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